Poems and the odd joke - 3

poem by: Josh Rogan
Written on Oct 26, 2016

Young Bertram and Rosemary Hamble,
Both went on a naturists ramble.
For quite a few weeks, they had rosy red cheeks,
But when rambling that way that’s the gamble.

A bad tempered Teddy Boy 
Whose name was Rolf MacPain,
He gave up causing Bovver,
And took to growing grain.
He is now so famous, 
That each and every year,
There’s Christmas trips to see his farm,
And wish bad Rolf some cheer.
And as it’s all at Christmas
A song is duly sung, 
So now I want you all to stand
And do now sing along. . . .

 “ . . . Rude Rolf the Ted Grows Grain Here. . . .”

During a charity parachute drop, 
a man changed his mind half way down. 
But no matter his protests or shouts or complaints,
he carried on down to the ground. 
You can blame Isaac Newton, the fella upstairs,
or blame Mother nature instead, 
but if you jump out of a plane in the air, 
you really have just made your bed.

“Read all about it! Read all about it!
Street newspaper vendor to be the
mad axeman’s next vict’ – Ugh”

A man missed his doctor’s appointment. 
His wife rang him at work and said:
“You should have been at the surgery at 9:30”
Her husband replied: “Why? What happened?”


Tags: humor, rhyme,


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