Jesus Christ, is the Lord of my Life.

lyrics by: Roxanne Dubarry
Written on Jun 12, 2013


Jesus Christ, is the Lord of my Life.
He is the whole wide world to me.
For, He has truly set me free.


Sunshine and shadows, and gladness and sorrows.
I have no fear of what the future may bring.
My heart can rejoice and my spirit can sing.


Daytime, and noontime, and night, sunshine and rain;
by my side Jesus Christ will remain by me.
My soul and my spirit are finally free.
In His presence I shall always be.

Love in Christ Jesus!
Roxanne Lea Dubarry
June 12, 2013


Tags: happy, faith, inspirational, hope,

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Alex McEwan commented:
very well versed have you put it to music
Rene Hernandez commented:
Trevor Cartwright commented:
Beautiful song! When you know Jesus, nothing in this world can faze you. I was raised in a Christian home, but I truly came to the Lord and felt His peace at age 19. My life has never been the same. Your song really touches me because I can see that we share the peace of God.
Joanne Erickson commented:
Very good lyrics. I'm so glad that we have a loving God who sent His son to die for our sins. He made a way for us to be born again and to know him intimately. I love the scripture, II Corinthians 5:17!
Candy Flash commented:
Very inspiring and strong force of God cannot be topped!!!Having a free spirit is a wonderful things because I personally know your emotions can take over your entire life.I wrote a book about my struggle.Thanks for sharing your story of faith!!!


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